Floor Bleaching
The owner of Perth Flooring Solutions assisted in pioneering the bleaching technique in the early 90’s. Perth Flooring Solutions are Perth’s no 1 bleaching specialist.
Bleaching is a technique whereby using specialist chemicals to obtain a lighter finish. It dramatically lightens the timber to more of a Baltic pine color in a similar process that you would get your hair bleached. (the chemicals are 10 x stronger.) This technique has been engineered and developed by the Owners of PFS for 25 years and they now have an intimate understanding of how to achieve a consistent jaw dropping result which will sure to enhance and lighten your house. There are only a handful of persons in Perth who know how to bleach with very few who can achieve the results that PFS can. If you are looking for the Scandinavian European semi rustic look then bleaching is an excellent and cost effective alternative to revamping and giving your house a new look. This can be achieved on timbers such as Jarrah species and Karri.
People often mistake bleaching and liming as the same thing and whilst bleaching makes a similar effect to liming the process is very different. Bleaching is a process in which a chemical reaction takes place between the bleaching solution and the wooden floors whereas liming is a process where we wash lime onto the timber floor; there is no reaction of the lime and the timber.
The main advantage of bleaching compared to liming is that the bleaching can lighten up dark timbers such as jarrah without hiding the natural wood grain. Liming is limited as to its uses as it can’t make darker timbers lighten up without blocking the wood grain. The bleaching process is complicated and needs more caution. There are many different bleaching methods and some bleaching methods can make dangerous and harmful gas emissions, but at Perth Flooring Solutions we are highly skilled and confident that we can achieve your desired finish.
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